Cow Creek-Fall, Graham’s Forge, VA

Grahams Forge Max Meadows, VA, United States

Ronnie Hallcowhorsin9@gmail.com276-779-3751On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-1Nursery-1Intermediate-4Novice - 4Open Class, two intermediate classes, and two Novice classes run on Friday the 18th.  Nursery Class, two intermediate classes, and two novice classes will run on Saturday the 19th.  Any questions feel free to call or text.NCA Region - NENCA  sanctioned

Shining C&G Cow Dog Trial Series-October- Laton, CA

Laton, CA, USA Laton, California, United States

Shining C&G CDT Series OctoberOctober 2024 Entry Form HorsebackCecilia HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Horseback-1Entry form for on Foot and Horseback class on Saturday and Sunday October 26/27 is a separate than entry form than the Entry form for the Horseback class on Friday October 25.NCA Region - WCNCA  sanctioned

Shining C&G Cow Dog Trial Series-October- Laton, CA

Laton, CA, USA Laton, California, United States

Shining C&G CDT Series OctoberShining C&G October 2024 Entry Form- Saturday and SundayCecilia FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Horseback-2Non-Sanctioned ClassesYouth-1Entry form for the Horseback class on Friday October 25 is a separate than entry form for classes on October 26 and 27.NCA Region - WCNCA  sanctioned

Bob Fox Memorial Ranch Dog Trial-Galt, CA

28500 Dry Creek Rd Galt, CA, United States

Bob Fox Ranch Hand Trial Horseback Entry FormBill Sanctioned Classes Horseback-2NCA Region - WCNCA  and MSSA sanctioned

Bob Fox Ranch Hand Trial-Galt, CA

28500 Dry Creek Rd Galt, CA, United States

Bob Fox Ranch Hand Trial Horseback Entry FormBill Sanctioned Classes Horseback-2NCA Region - WCNCA  sanctioned

Open Lock CDT #1, Cabool, MO

Cabool, MO Cabool, Missouri, United States

Jeanne Bulkleyopenlockranch@gmail.com307-388-2740On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice-2First of three 2 day trials.  Others on November 30-December 1st and January 17-18.NCA Region - NE

Bob Fox Ranch Hand Trial-Galt, CA

28500 Dry Creek Rd Galt, CA, United States

Bob Fox Foot Entry FormBill FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-1Nursery-1Intermediate-1Novice - 1Limited to two dogs per handler per class. No awards. We will jackpot for $10 per entry in each class. Entry fee- $50 per dog per class.NCA Region - WCNCA  sanctioned

Double Shoe Ranch Stockdogs Trial 1 Jackson, OH

Henderson's Arena 800 Van Fossan Rd, Jackson, OH, United States

FlyerEntry FormStephen Foot and HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-3Nursery-3Intermediate-3Novice - 3Horseback-3Trial Flyer and Entry Form will followNCA Region - NENCA  sanctioned

Sapulpa FFA CDT, Kellyville , OK

Creek County Fairgrounds Kellyville, OK, United States

Allen Milleramillerfarms@icloud.com580-336-1975On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesProNovice-2NCA Region - SCNCA sanctioned, CCA sanctioning pending

Volunteer Cowdog Trial, Crossville, TN

Crossville, TN, USA Crossville, Tennessee, United States

Volunteer Cowdog Trial Entry Form2024 Volunteer Cowdog Trial FlyerAlex Hodgealexh442@aol.com865-898-8950On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice -2NCA Region - SENCA sanctioned

First State Bank CDT, Rainsville, AL

North East Alabama Agri-Business Center 1571 McCurdy Ave N, Rainsville, AL, United States

Entry FormFlyerStuart Mitchellfourm@farmerstel.com256-899-4890On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Facebook page or group:  Alabama Stockdog AssociationNCA Region - SENCA, MSSDA, Alabama Stockdog Association, and Southern Stockdog Association sanctioned

Open Lock CDT #2, Cabool, MO

Cabool, MO Cabool, Missouri, United States

Jeanne Bulkleyopenlockranch@gmail.com307-388-2740On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice-23 trial seriesNCA Region - NE