Distinguished Service
Jeanne Bulkley
Distinguished Service
Jeremy McBride
Distinguished Service
Aimee Nelson
Hall of Fame Dog
Butlers Dolly
Hall of Fame Dog
Daybells Walker
Hall of Fame Handler
Sonny Mahurin
Distinguished Service
Todd Jessen
Hall of Fame Dog
Lynn Daniels - Brett
Hall of Fame Handler
Marvin Daniel
Hall of Fame Handler
Campbell Forsyth
Distinguished Service
Marvin Daniel
Distinguished Service
Verona Butler
Distinguished Service
Jeannie Allen
Distinguished Service
Bill Melvin
Hall of Fame Dog
Brian Jacobs - Moose
Hall of Fame Handler
Kevin Lippe
Hall of Fame Handler
Juan Reyes
Hall of Fame Handler
Steve Knipmeyer
Distinguished Service
Kelly Popp
Distinguished Service
Eddie Merritt
Hall of Fame Handler
Jeff Mundorf
Distinguished Service
Dottie Packard
Distinguished Service
Lori Herbel
Hall of Fame Dog
Juan Reyes - Red
Distinguished Service
Dottie Packard
Hall of Fame Handler
Bob Wagner
Distinguished Service
Tressa Briggs