All Day

CCA Spring Classic and Breeders Showcase-MT Vernon, MO

Longhorn Arena 698 Mt Vernon Blvd, Mount Vernon

Shorty FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Non-Sanctioned ClassesPro Novice-22nd annual CCA Breeders Showcase and Breeders Showdown will be held in conjunction with the CCA Spring Classic. Flyer and entry information to follow. Entry deadline will be February 1st, 2025.NCA Region - WCNCA, CCA and MSSA  sanctioned

Stilly River March CDT-Arlington, WA

Arlington, WA, USA Arlington

Sara-Jo Foot NCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2AM and PM open trials. Entry numbers limited by available cattle numbers. Contact Sara-Jo if you plan to enter.SANCTIONING: NCA and MSSANCA Region - WC

Stilly River March CDT-Arlington, WA

Arlington, WA, USA Arlington

Sara-Jo Foot NCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2AM and PM open trials. Entry numbers limited by available cattle numbers. Contact Sara-Jo if you plan to enter.SANCTIONING: NCA and MSSANCA Region - WC

MC Ranch Spring Classic-Galt, CA

Galt Galt

Entry FormMike Foot & HorsebackNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-1Nursery-1Intermediate-1Novice-1Horseback-2Two rounds of horseback on Saturday and one round of foot Sunday. NCA Regionals will be held during this trial as a class within a class. Arena and/or field depending on weather.NCA Region - WC