1st Annual Why Worry Ranch CDT, King Hill, ID
King Hill, ID 83633, USAAnnie Reynoldsyworryranch@msn.com208-599-7733On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Region - HPNCA and MSSA sanctioned
Annie Reynoldsyworryranch@msn.com208-599-7733On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Region - HPNCA and MSSA sanctioned
Ronnie Hallcowhorsin9@gmail.com276-779-3751On Foot and HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Horseback-2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesRancher-2Please call, text, or email with any questionsNCA Region - NENCA sanctioned
Gone Rogue entry formGone Rogue FlyerStacia Neilsongoneroguestockdogs@gmail.com541-326-1577On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Entries must be received by May 20, 2024NCA Region - WCNCA and MSSA sanctioned
Mooney Farms FlyerMooney Farms Entry formRandy Mooneyrrkc@outlook.com870-421-0165On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesPro Novice-2NCA Region - SCNCA, CCA and MSSA sanctioned
Allen Milleramillerfarms@icloud.com580-336-1975On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesProNovice-2Entries open April 1st and close May 17th. Limit of 25 open dogs. NCA Region - SCNCA and CCA sanctioned
David Henryfieldstonefarm@hotmail.com276-870-0130HorsebackNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice-2Horseback-2NCA Region - NENCA and Rodear America sanctioned
Ronnie Hallcowhorsin9@gmail.com276-779-3751On Foot and HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Horseback-1Both open classes and both nursery classes and horseback class will be on Friday June 21st. Both intermediate and Novice classes will be on June 22ndNCA Region - NENCA sanctioned
FlyerSusan Rech Burgoinskburgoin@gmail.com402-658-2312On Foot and HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Horseback-2We are going to have horseback classes Friday evening in the arena, Saturday we will run all classes in the arena including the 2nd round of horseback classes. Sunday will be all classes in the field. There will be no horseback classes on Sunday.NCA Region - HPNCA sanctioned
https://www.rosecattlecompanyarena.com/dog-trial-entriesJohn Rose406-580-6849rosecattleco@gmail.comOn FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Points and time. Handlers meeting at 0730 am. 100 dog per day limit, entries are open until the classes fill.Please note that Nursery dogs must be born on or after October 1st, 2021NCA Region - HPNCA sanctioned
Tucked Away Arena CDT FlyerJacob Brahamjdgraham.515@gmail.com740-491-0510On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Buckles for 2 day average winners. Only taking 10 per class. Please call/text Jacob 740-491-0510 to enterNCA Region - NENCA sanctioned
entry formFlyerKarla Meekskarla@longhornaec.com903-287-9501HorsebackNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen Horseback-3Intermediate Horseback-3NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesRodear Rancher, Greendog, Novice and YouthNCA Region - SCNCA and Rodear America sanctioned
Bonnie Wilsondcdsaa@gmail.com250-782-1445On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-1Nursery-1Intermediate-1Novice -1NCA Region - CANNCA sanctioned