Rose Cattle Company CDT, Toston, MT

290 Kimpton Upper Ln Toston, MT, United States Rose406-580-6849rosecattleco@gmail.comOn FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Points and time.  Handlers meeting at 0730 am.  100 dog per day limit, entries are open until the classes fill.Please note that Nursery dogs must be born on or after October 1st, 2021NCA Region - HPNCA sanctioned

Routt County Cattlemans Classic, Steamboat Springs, CO

Steamboat Springs Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

Entry FormJeff Meyerscoyotecreek@comcast.net970-214-5414On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2 This trial is a benefit for 4H and FFA programs, and helps to improve ag awareness in the Steamboat communityNCA Region - HPNCA and MSSA sanctioned

TRIAL IS FULL- Nuckolls County Classic, Superior, NE

Nuckolls County Fairgrounds 301 1st St, Nelson, NE, United States

Nuckolls County Classic entry formTony Jetenskycolfax04@gmail.com402-879-1200On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesRancher-2NCA Region - HPNCA and Southwest sanctioned

Diamond W Classic, Pierce, NE

Pierce County Fairgrounds 101 E Lloyd St, Pierce, NE, United States

Diamond W Classic Entry formBrandi Weinrichbkminerich@hotmail.com402-992-2057On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2 NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesRancher-2Entries open July 15th.  Entries Close September 5th.Offering a Breeder's Class, see Diamond W Classic Facebook page for more information.NCA Region - HPNCA and SWCDA sanctioned

Stone Ranch Cattledog Trial, Beach, ND

Beach Beach, ND, United States

Stone Ranch CDT Entry FormShannon Fritzstone_ranch@hotmail.com701-218-0324On Foot and HorsebackNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-3Nursery-3Intermediate-2Novice - 2 Horseback-3Trial location:  Joe and Shannon Fritz's ranch northeast of BeachStart time will be at 1pm on Friday with horseback then open and if time permits a nursery runNCA Region - HPNCA and MSSA sanctioned

Sandhills Edge Stockdog Trial, Albion, NE

Albion, NE

Sandhills Edge Entry formMark Benescircleblivestockllc@gmail.com402-741-0380On FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermdiate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesOpen Ranch-2Hookups on groundsCardinal Inn HotelNCA Region - HPNCA and SWCDA sanctioned

Shining C&G CDT September, Chowchilla, CA

Chowchilla-Madera County Fair and Event Center 898 S 3rd St, Chowchilla, CA, United States

C&G CDT entry formCecilia Escalante559-817-7474cecilia.escalante4727@gmail.comOn FootNCA Sanctioned ClassesOpen-2Nursery-2Intermdiate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesYouth-1Mike Canaday MemorialNCA Region - WCNCA and MSSA sanctioned

Creeper Fall CDT #1, Thayer, KS

5215 20th Rd Thayer, KS, United States

Sonny Mahurin620-305-8164kansasranch@yahoo.comOn Foot & HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice-2Horseback-2NCA Region - SCNCA, MSSA and CCA sanctioned

Tulsa State Fair Cattledog Trial, Tulsa , OK

Expo Square 4145 E 21st St, Tulsa, OK, United States

Allen Milleramillerfarms@icloud.com580-336-1975On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2NCA Non Sanctioned ClassesProNovice-2Entry information can be found on the Tulsa State Fair website. Entries will open the first part of August.  More information to come.NCA Region - SCNCA and CCA sanctioned

Cow Creek-Fall, Graham’s Forge, VA

Grahams Forge Max Meadows, VA, United States

Ronnie Hallcowhorsin9@gmail.com276-779-3751On FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-1Nursery-1Intermediate-4Novice - 4Open Class, two intermediate classes, and two Novice classes run on Friday the 18th.  Nursery Class, two intermediate classes, and two novice classes will run on Saturday the 19th.  Any questions feel free to call or text.NCA Region - NENCA  sanctioned

Shining C&G Cow Dog Trial Series-October- Laton, CA

Laton, CA, USA Laton, California, United States

Shining C&G CDT Series OctoberOctober 2024 Entry Form HorsebackCecilia HorsebackNCA Sanctioned Classes Horseback-1Entry form for on Foot and Horseback class on Saturday and Sunday October 26/27 is a separate than entry form than the Entry form for the Horseback class on Friday October 25.NCA Region - WCNCA  sanctioned

Shining C&G Cow Dog Trial Series-October- Laton, CA

Laton, CA, USA Laton, California, United States

Shining C&G CDT Series OctoberShining C&G October 2024 Entry Form- Saturday and SundayCecilia FootNCA Sanctioned Classes Open-2Nursery-2Intermediate-2Novice - 2Horseback-2Non-Sanctioned ClassesYouth-1Entry form for the Horseback class on Friday October 25 is a separate than entry form for classes on October 26 and 27.NCA Region - WCNCA  sanctioned